Our EARTH Hour

A collaboration between MOTTE eV. Stadtteil & Kulturzentrum (Germany) and Head4Arts (Wales)

Image © MOTTE

“It is a great opportunity for two culturally different areas in Europe to engage in creative practice, exchange ideas and work together on an innovative pilot music and art event addressing our ecological footprint on earth hour day.” Frank Lange Kulturmanager on behalf of MOTTE eV. Stadtteil & Kulturzentrum and Head4Arts 

With a shared passion for using the arts and cultural activities as the catalyst to effect change in their communities, the partners explored how participatory arts projects can highlight local and global challenges and empower community members to take positive action to address them. 

Latest news and blogs

MOTTE eV. Stadtteil & Kulturzentrum and Head4Arts kicked off their partnership by running a simultaneous programme of events to celebrate Earth Hour on Saturday 25th March. Each programme offered a creative exploration of climate change through craft, storytelling, music, poetry and performance and also featured a live-streamed element from each other's line-up. 

Read more about the Earth Hour pilot programme on the blog: Our Earth Hour - reflecting on the partnership and recent activities

Since then, Bethan Lewis, Creative Director at Head4Arts undertook a 2-day cultural exchange visit to Hamburg in June which allowed her to continue to develop discussions and exchange with the MOTTE team, following the previous online meet-ups. 

Read more about Bethan's visit to Hamburg on the blog: Visiting the Motte in Hamburg

The MOTTE is a dynamic and creative art and community centre constantly adapting its activities and goals to reflect the changes in the community and society. Established in 1976 the MOTTE inspired various new models of co-­‐operations and innovative projects that have led to a better quality of life and neighbourly engagement.

The organisation manages different departments and buildings providing a broad spectrum of activities, workshops and services. This includes a concert hall, recording studio, urban garden area, small chicken farm, exhibition facilities, meeting/activity rooms as well as a youth club and nursery. We offer courses and workshops for adults, children, young people, the elderly and many other projects.

The existing networks between cultural institutions and artists are constantly being developed to offer culturally relevant topics and new forms of cultural reception.

With our partners, we developed different sustainability projects, including: the Sharetopia-­‐shop, urban gardening and permaculture, as well as Live Concerts, Theatre Productions, intercultural memorial projects, career orientation, inclusion projects with hearing impaired young people and cultural exchange programs.

Follow MOTTE on Instagram, Facebook and at diemotte.de

Head4Arts is a community arts organisation working in the South-­‐East Wales Valleys region. We deliver inspiring participatory arts programmes that change the way people see themselves and the word around them. We work across all art forms with people of all ages to provide high quality, inspirational arts experiences that introduce participants to new art forms and unlock their creative potential. Our work takes us to community centres, housing estates, schools, hospitals, parks, heritage sites, youth centres, theatres, libraries, residential homes – in fact any location where we can connect with people and encourage participation in the creative arts.

Follow Head4Arts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and at head4arts.org.uk 

Upcoming activities: 

Both partners will be celebrating Earth Hour on Saturday 25th March 2023 with a programme of events that offer a creative exploration of climate change through craft, storytelling, music, poetry and performance. Each programme will feature a live-streamed element from each other, a short musical performance from a community folk band live streamed into Kulturzentrum’s programme from Head4Arts in Wales. Following this, they will come together for online and in-person exchange to share and develop their practice.  

Further info:

MOTTE in Germany: https://www.facebook.com/events/1393758958044625

Head4Arts in Wales: http://head4arts.org.uk/earth-hour-2023/ and https://arts.wales/news-jobs-opportunities/earth-hour-celebrations-head4arts

The live streamed event will be available to view here: https://www.youtube.com/@mottestadtteil-undkulturze5050

Image © MOTTE