Playing with Audio Walks: Storydive meets Produced Moon

A collaboration between Produced Moon (Scotland) and Storydive (Germany)

Image © Storydive

“This funding will support a new collaboration between Produced Moon and Storydive: we'll combine interactive play and digital audio walks to develop a new approach to participatory work. We explore how play, puzzles and interactive storytelling can push Storydive’s App technology, to create extraordinary interactive creative experiences with and for young people.”  Mel Frances on behalf of Produced Moon and Storydive 

With both partners working at the intersection of storytelling, socially engaged practice and creative technologies, the project allowed them to explore how their practices can be combined to develop a new approach to participatory work. Specifically, how Produced Moon’s experience in interactive play can meet Storydive’s audio walk practice.

Latest news and blogs

Since the start of the partnership, the Produced Moon and Storydive teams have been meeting regularly online where they have been getting to know each other's practice.

In July, the Storydive team visited Glasgow for a 3-day residency with Produced Moon, based at Platform in Easterhouse, where they were sharing approaches and exploring how they both work. They were joined by a guest artist, Libby Odai during the residency. The Produced Moon team visited Hamburg in early September to continue the partnership. 

Read more about the exchange visits in their blog post: The F Walk - Storydive and Produced Moon

Listen to their podcast and hear the story of F here.

Produced Moon and Storydive were awarded funding to continue their collaboration as a Tier 2 partnership for 2024 - 2025. Find out more. 

Storydive is a platform and multiplicator for artistic and literary audio walks, supporting artists and cultural / educational institutions throughout the production process of audio walks which are published in the apps Storydive and Ortspiel. They also create audio walks together with children and young people and train educators on the subject. Workshop topics cover urban development, culture of remembrance, empowerment and own voice narratives.

The company was founded by audio walk producer Sophie Burger and software developer Fabian Eck in 2021 and is based in Hamburg, Germany.

Follow Storydive on Instagram and at

Produced Moon
We are Produced Moon, a Creative XR Theatre Lab. We create playful, unsettling & magical experiences with audiences at the centre. Our work ranges from game theatre to escape rooms, participatory digital storytelling to 360 degree film & more.

Our aim is to advance the arts by creating high quality artistic events that centre the audience experience, through: - The creation and promotion of interdisciplinary events; - Working responsively with participants, either in workshops or as audience members, making them feel empowered.

We run participatory projects, where we co-create work with teenagers and older people. We work in collaboration with community groups, schools and arts organisations, often at Platform in Easterhouse, Glasgow where we have run VR workshops, co-created interactive games and run events for families showcasing the work of local young people.

All of our work is guided by our 5 organisational values, to be: playful, collaborative, caring, experimental & pluralistic. Our work is overseen by our board of trustees. 

Produced Moon Boundless Theatre Science Gallery London Image © Jane Hobson