Going spaces: forming new connections and fostering collaboration

A collaboration between Motorenhalle Dresden (Germany) and SET studios London (England)

Image © SET: Tawfik Naas leading the Hybrid Libraries workshop as part of SET Lewisham Open Studios, 19.03.2022

“Thanks to Cultural Bridge, riesa efau Dresden with the curatorial group Videocity and SET in Lewisham are looking forward to exchanging their experiences of supporting artists and building communities.” Dr Andrea Domesle on behalf of Motorenhalle Dresden and SET studios London 

With shared ‘DIY’ roots and values of supporting local communities and artists, the partners came together to discuss issues of social engagement, neighbourhood work, relevant societal questions and working with wide and diverse audiences, supporting artists and integrating art into daily life. 

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In late April 2023 Ellie Dobbs, Curator at SET, along with Roland, Founding Director of SET, and Jemima Thomas, Director of Studios had a week-long visit to Dresden where they explored riesa efau's exhibition and workshop spaces and found several opportunities to connect with local artists and organisations. This was followed by a return visit to SET in London from Andrea Domesle from Videocity and director of riesa efau and Motorenhalle, Frank Eckhardt in September. 

Read more about the April visit in the blog post: Going spaces: forming new connections and fostering collaboration 

Read more about the September visit in the blog post: SET x riesa efau x Videocity Exchange Trip, 19th – 26th September 2023

Read more about the partnership in the blog post: Self-reflection by riesa efau and Videocity

In October, Videocity, riesa efau and SET co-organised a PechaKucha event. The event was a mix of short presentations and video work screenings by artists from the SET studios and other artists based in London in an informal setting. Polina Chizhova and Andrea Domesle, curators from Videocity team, attended with Frank Eckhardt, director from cultural Forum riesa efau and Motorenhalle Dresden. Find out more. 

Videocity, riesa efau and SET were awarded funding to continue their collaboration as a Tier 2 partnership for 2024 - 2025. Find out more. 

riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden fosters and supports interactions between art and society. riesa efau hosts Videocity, a curatorial group that promotes video art in public spaces. 

Follow riesa efau on Instagram or visit riesa-efau.de, motorenhalle.de and sommerakademie-dresden.de.

SET Centre provides affordable artists’ studios to a community of over 1,000 artists and delivers a diverse programme of free exhibitions, workshops and events across eight centres. 

Follow SET on Instagram and at setspace.uk

Image: Videocity visits – Loneliness. Outdoor Screening at Motorenhalle Dresden, Adlergasse 14, from 13.01.2022 – 01.05.2022 Photo by Andreas Seeliger