My Body is my Castle - An intergenerational and performative research

Partners: 4.D (Dortmund, Germany) and ACCA (Leeds, England)

Image © Femxle Spaces by Elly Welford

“Continuing with the artistic and social research that we began exploring throughout Cultural Bridge’s tier 1, Vier.D and ACCA are planning a socio-cultural and intergenerational project on the topic of the female body and under the working title “My Body is my Castle”. How do female-identifying people feel in their bodies? To what extent is their perception shaped by their urban environment? Our aim is to give female-identifying people a voice to speak up through a collaborative process where professional artists and community participants come together to explore physicality, develop a dance piece and perform it together.” 4.D and ACCA

My Body is my Castle has received Tier 2 funding to continue the development of their existing partnership. 4.D and ACCA received Tier 1 Cultural Bridge funding in 2023 - 2024, find out more. 

About the partners

4.D is a community of artists dedicated to interdisciplinary endeavours. They combine and merge the performing arts of dance and theatre with scenography, media and other forms of artistic expression. Their aim is to create protected spaces for artistic experimentation - on stage and in public spaces. Since its foundation in 2013, 4.D has been realising artistic projects in urban spaces on topics related to urban life, together with local and international artists and collaborators from the cultural scene and urban society.

They specialized mainly in theater in public space and site-specific productions. In doing so, they cross the boundaries between the performing, media and visual arts. In addition to this interdisciplinary artistic practice, a central concern of the group is artistic-cultural mediation, socio-cultural concepts and the linking with other fields of research such as urban development, digitalization or feminism. They work experimentally, cooperatively and process-oriented. The participants in their projects explore, sense, experience and invent new forms of artistic realisation together. 

ACCA are a dance theatre duo fusing physicality with theatre, comedy and cabaret to navigate female identity. Since they started formally collaborating at the start of 2020, Charlotte Arnold and Anne Cabré-Verdiell Bosch have created three works: Occupational Hazard, ACCA Danst, EVEvolution and Femxle Spaces. The artists are based in Leeds and have also founded the Artychoke Zine - an online magazine dedicated to the arts as a means of resistance.

Image © FEMXLE SPACES by Tim Dunk